Monday, July 2, 2012

Simple Login Web application using struts2 spring and Hibernate

In this tutorial we will create a simple web application with login system incorporated.

Tools to be used

Struts2 Framework
Spring Framework
Hibernate Framework
Apache Maven
Apache Tomcat Server 7
MySql Server
MySql workbench

step 1:-

Design the database 

step 2 :-

Develop the project structure using maven

step3 :-

Write the model classes for database layer and write unit tests for the database layer. 

step4 :- 

Write DAO classes

step5 :-

Write Bo classes

step6 :-

write the action classes 

Step 7 : 

desing the user interface. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Setting Development Environment Up for Mobile Application Development

Hi everyone, today in this blog post, i would like to share with you knowledge related to Mobile application development. it is broad area to discuss but i will only be discussing Android, iPhone and iPad application development using Titanium Studio.

First of all, in any programming project all us face a common problem it is how to set up the development environment. Therefor we will first learn how to set up the development environment for Android , iPad and iPhone application development.

Setting up development environment for iPad application development.

1) First you need to have MacOS with you to start developing applications for iOS

2) Apple don't want you to install MacOS on any computer than what apple develops. So how do you start developing iPad application or iPhone application if you have IBM computer running windows operating system. Frankly speacking this is the case for may people how are starting to develop applications for iPhone, iPad devices.