Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hello World Application Using Magnolia CMS

This tutorial is for building simple website with database functionality to demonstrate it's functionality.
(how to install magnolia CMS with stk will be discussed later for those who are new to magnolia CMS)

As a first step to change the look of the demo site of standard templating kit , i started editing style.css file through admin central.

Yes, it gave me feeling that, any change i am making to the template script or css file or JavaScript file will be reflected in the demo site. But is that the correct way to do that. That is the question should be answered. when i was looking for the stranded method of creating won web page with stk, i found following resources.

All web pages created in magnolia based on templates. these are not template scripts. templates are created are join by merging template scrip with template definition. so when you are looking at web page created using magnolia, that page is created using template with the content in the JCR repository. numerous web pages can be created by using single template by mergin different content with the same template.

Here magnolia ppl says that what they are referring to as templates. they are referring to as templates not for the template scripts, it is the output of template script and definition.

Now they are talking about magnolia webpage. so let's have look at it. each magnolia web page is created using number of distinct areas. Most areas are made up of paragraphs. So , what do they mean by paragraphs. believe me it is not what are are familiar with.

How to decide whether to use CMS for a new Web Project

This is quite important topic thought i am not intended to discuss any cording related CMS. Nowadays i am working on a project where i am using magnolia CMS as the major tool of the web site implementation. I think i have good base to discuss about this topic as the previous project that i involved did not contain any CMS tool integration, it was from the scratch developed by .net language with the use of Microsoft Entity Framework and MSSql database system and front end was implemented in JQuery.

First i want to explain that, any static website like web sites implement for school's company profiles can be easily implemented with the use of CMS. But that is not the focus of this post. Main reason of CMS to come in to play in software world is not to support those minor requirement. So lets try to discover this key reason to have those and get the maximum benefit of those to our project.

What is GWT(Google Web Toolkit) , Why should i use it for my project

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Google Code Jam , World finals 2010 - City Tour

At the begining, i have small problem with quection description. Quection description says that How to build the city.
according to my understanding the dicription as follows

Initially there are 3 cities. These 3 cities are connected by 3 bi directional lines. So visual representation of this is as follows.Following is the discription which gives us an idea like above.

" the cities started from three points of interest, with each pair being connected by a bidirectional street"

Now , what is next, it says how it evoles from this point onwards.

"then, gradually, new points of interest were added. Any new point of interest was connected by two new bidirectional streets to two different previous points of interest which were already directly connected by a street. "

which means that, if i add new point to above figure , it will looks like as follows.

But when we try to understand the first sample input from this view, it gives nothing.

First input says something like follows.

1 2
2 1
1 2
1 4
4 5
Case #1: 4
Case #2: 6

Ok what is this first input set means. it says there are 5 points of interest. Ok, according to our understanding, it says, there are 2 more points of interest than 3 main points of interests. So , we already know how it's connection looks like according to the previous decription. but it gives us 1,2 and 2,1 two streets.

Also here is the dicription about these inputs.
The next N-3 lines each contain a pair of space-separated integers A, B, indicating that the corresponding point of interest was connected by streets to points A and B. First of these lines corresponds to point number 4, second to point number 5, etc. "

if there are 5 points, then 5-3 is 2, so we should have give two (x,y) point inputs. yes they have!
it is interesting to look how we missunderstood this problem.
We thought that (x,y) represents cordinates, but they are not corrdinates, why did we think they are cordinates. Since we did not quection basic thing at the biggning of the quection. what it is. if two newly added points are connected to first 3 points by two bi-diractional lines, there are 3 ways in which this can be done, so we should be given correct configuration. if we had quection this at first, then we won't decide those input to be coordinates! :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

JCR Content Repository : Why do i need it for my project

You might have worked with content management application or you might have some idea about what it is. But if you have ever tried to develop content management application, you are all too aware of the difficulties inherent in implementing content systems. The landscape is fragmented, with numerous vendors offering proprietory repository engines.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hibernate Simple Web application

I am trying to explain this application using mvn as the build infrastructure to improve our knowledge in using MVN.