(how to install magnolia CMS with stk will be discussed later for those who are new to magnolia CMS)
As a first step to change the look of the demo site of standard templating kit , i started editing style.css file through admin central.
Yes, it gave me feeling that, any change i am making to the template script or css file or JavaScript file will be reflected in the demo site. But is that the correct way to do that. That is the question should be answered. when i was looking for the stranded method of creating won web page with stk, i found following resources.
All web pages created in magnolia based on templates. these are not template scripts. templates are created are join by merging template scrip with template definition. so when you are looking at web page created using magnolia, that page is created using template with the content in the JCR repository. numerous web pages can be created by using single template by mergin different content with the same template.
Here magnolia ppl says that what they are referring to as templates. they are referring to as templates not for the template scripts, it is the output of template script and definition.
Now they are talking about magnolia webpage. so let's have look at it. each magnolia web page is created using number of distinct areas. Most areas are made up of paragraphs. So , what do they mean by paragraphs. believe me it is not what are are familiar with.